![]() A Trajectory of Birth in Philosophy "Women are afraid of birth because they do not have an image of birth." (The Business of Being Born - documentary) Women expect pain, trauma and fear. There is nothing written of the process of birthing or the possibilities of the matrixial space that has reached us all. Birth is not just the physical process, but it is the place of women in the hands of experts. Her material body at the whim of a world which has only recently realized the womb did not wander throughout her body. A world that considers her womb the marker of hysteria, something to be owned, to make use of to produce an image of him from the father. A woman turned to mimesis. Moreover, in a world of production and capitalism gone wild, we have found the focus on production - absent even a realistic examination of the probability or numbers in terms of the interventions at birth and its relationship to birth. Maternity care is currently in crisis; less than 8 percent of women consider home birth a viable option. The US is currently At 5.8 deaths per 1,000 live births; the United States ranks No. 33 out of 36 OECD countries. Birth has become increasingly clocked, technologized, increasingly monitored, measured but has the increase in medical frontiers increased the power of women? "When this conception of social performance is applied to gender, it is clear that although there are individual bodies that enact these significations by becoming stylized into gendered modes, this "action" is immediately public as well. There are temporal and collective dimensions to these actions, and their public nature is not inconsequential; indeed, the performance is effected with the strategic aim of maintaining gender within its binary frame. Understood in pedagogical terms, the performance renders social laws explicitly." (Judith butler 1988) What happened to the midwife - the rise of obstetrics created a business of hospitals, the movement away from the midwife and the birth at home was also a repetition of the move away from astrology. The sterilization of birth happened through a logic that drove out the Woman, drove out the individual. Standardizing time was part of the process of the standardization of birth, of the subject. Birth must be on time! Timing became linked clearly to fetal health. Based on measuring exact dates of birth using sonar - what is it allied? There becomes a timeline for a birth that leaves little room for natural birth. IF not on time, a series of medical interventions follow a typical US birth. Pitocin, to speed up and intensify the contractions, which can stress the fetus, which then creates intense pain due to the augmentation - and the epidural no longer works, and they up the epidural the cycle comes in, and the baby is being shocked of oxygen and Blood, and then quickly you need a c-section. This is not a unique horror tale. It is apparent in the scientific literature that each intervention creates an increased likelihood of a cesarean section. Positions for birth, lying on the back, were invented as part of the move to the obstetrician in favor of the doctor. It helps the doctor, but not the child or mother. Movement is necessary for the more effortless movement of the child through the birth canal, standing, sitting on a birthing stool, walking; these are the movements that facilitate an entrance to time that does not re-traumatize the Mother/womb. It was commonplace to give birth at home until the early 1900s. In this illustration, midwives and astrologers practice their art side by side, from the 1580 edition of Jakob Ruff's popular Renaissance midwifery book, De Conceptu et Generatione Hominis. The Birth Horizon: Space of Becoming The falling from eternal to a mortal is the space of becoming. Can this space be mapped as internal/external, above /below? This eternally deceiving receptacle of such a becoming is the womb of the mother. The Mayans mapped this inner space as outer space in their images of the World Tree at the Galactic Center. Simon de Beauvoir writes, "Woman? Very simple, say those who like simple answers: She is a womb, an ovary, she is female: this word is enough to define her." (Second Sex p. 21) A Trajectory of Birth in Philosophy Men conceived western philosophy. It is not surprising that the most fundamental human activity of birth has no space here. The birth trauma of being expelled from the mother is reflected in the absence of the birthing language in philosophy. Heidegger's being is never presented as a phenomenology of birth. How then does Being arrive? Birth is rarely seen, rarely spoke of as a phenomenological experience of the mother. This study — astrology as the haunted optical lens of western philosophy, prepared by Plato with his Timeline Project of merging the two bands, the celestial equator and galactic center by way of the Vertex — set out to change this condition by creating an ontology of the birth itself, as a thing in itself. This thing in itself is the astrological birth chart, otherwise known as the horoscope. "The waves broke and spread their waters swiftly over the shore. One after another they massed themselves and fell; the spray tossed itself back with the energy of their fall. The waves were steeped deep-blue save for a pattern of diamond-pointed light on their backs which rippled as the backs of great horses ripple with muscles as they move. The waves fell; withdrew and fell again, like the thud of a great beast stamping." Virginia Woolf. "The Waves (Oxford World's Classics).". Deleuze & Guattari: Becoming Animal Deleuze & Guattari's analysis of becoming-animal provides a privileged place to the becoming of Woman, they argue the factual statement that there is a point at which the becoming-woman and becoming-child do not resemble the Woman or child as separate entities, so here they term a "molar entity" defined by her Form and used for her organs. Quickly they jump to the claim to back away from further investigating this process and say they account for imitating forms in homosexuality, attempting to subvert the Freudian impetus to focus on the virginal, they return to the girl, as a body without organs to embody the third space of movement, between definitions. We find a lack here, emerges - a lack in the elaboration of the womb space, of woman/child as one or two distinct becomings, in one. Is there not a series of infinite lines within this process that can speak to what becoming in actuality entails? In its material sense, and then in its virtual sense. For what is irreducible - what is virtual is this - the becoming as such. In the mysteries of which silence by the great thinkers persists lies a depth worthy of shining light. Badiou: Birth as Event Birth is not only an event - in the Badiou terminology, but it also exceeds this definition. For it is truly entirely subjective and objective - it is beyond understanding and is a process. It can not be merely the instant of the birth that one considers, but we have *of course* conception (Phallocentric history never forgot that). However, between these points, we have many encounters and lines of flight, territorialization of the processes of becoming, which are not just natural processes separated from the subject of the womb, separate from the mother, to speak so materially is out of fashion. Nevertheless, to speak of a matter that matters, to make sense of the space of secret knowledge, or perhaps hidden mystery demands a deeper look into the depths of such a topology. Luce Irigaray – Repressed Debt of Birth For Irigaray, an inability to repay the gift of one's birth is a repressed obligation that is not represented in a phallocentric system of images (Grosz time travels p. 70). The fact that the gift cannot be repaid continues the violence against women as haunting of the repressed debt, to try and erase it. Cixous writes of writing women into the text, a violent act that determines the existence of women as such. However, to write of birth, the messy, the rhizomatic openings, we can exceed the debt and lay open the experience, to be felt and read through new writing of the secret void. The unknown territories of its reality that create this give violent tremors. No longer pained by the burden of the unknown, we proclaim the cry's of mother/child and the spaces of being temporarily hidden within the sanitized discourse of philosophy. She writes, "the lapse of time between the moment of conception and consciousness can never be caught up with. And it cannot be evaded either, as it returns to the memory, even it's visions: dazzling intuitions of seeing, I reflected my, without target or measurement." (Speculum of the other woman p. 306) There is a focus on conception and the moment of birth the naming of the child, but a lack of a rhizomatic analysis that examines birth as a process that can be further spoken of. New Frontiers: Irigaray's To Be Born Irigaray provides the lead, but as her work To Be Born returns in depth to the subject of birth- we start at the newborn. The divide is clear; even the style of writing has left it previously an intoxicating feminine style. We are left with a story of a child who chooses his being, chooses his breath…parents do not worry of breathing, she writes. That is debatable. The inability to sleep due to the fear that if you are not touching breathing with your child is part of the becoming of mother and child and father who becomes with them- if he so chooses- a choice not relegated to the primary caretaker. The hand on the chest - the holding of the becoming. It is becoming so much more fragile than this. The return to a discourse on human development as somehow singular, a child in need of objective food- instigated in itself separate at the start denied the process of becoming in itself. The temporal unfolding is not confined to the pregnancy, birth, or developmental stages, but it's also not singularly without the mother. Reclaiming the Mother for Philosophy Why must the mother again be left behind? The superhuman of birth emerges in Irigaray's analysis…" By coming into the world, the newborn runs an absolute risk; but it is its life that takes this risk and not some plan that is more or less artificial and abstract concerning life. The little being ventures into a completely changed environment with regard to its relation to oxygen, food, light, gravitation, and so on to get over a decisive stage of its becoming. In general, it succeeds in achieving this exploit, which transforms our newborn into a sort of hero before whom everyone bows without understanding what they are saluting." ( to be born) The Return to Psychoanalysis The return to psychoanalysis, in the Form of critique whose perversions lead us to a forever questioning instead of a radical new subjectivity, comes full circle. Through the guise of Heidegger's ontology and a final return to love of male and female as the site of our own possible genesis of a world that can encompass breathe we have again see the maternal material processes of the unfolding of a birth list in a discourse that does not sense the holding of a mother and child. This is perhaps a return to a materialism that is certainly out of style but a necessary return. It is not the love shaped within the desire, but the love within confines of necessities of Darwin's processes, of a Bergsonian duration and Deleuze rhizomes that I will try to articulate. Ettinger's M/Other Matrix Ettinger argues that pregnancy is always linked to the material body. I write in agreement with Stone who says, "So, dividing pre-and post-natal existence into being-towards-being-there versus (fully) being- there makes too sharp a cut. What remains true is that being born in the broad sense that includes conception and gestation is the precondition of experience; obvious as this may sound, it is still worth remarking." Allison stone 2019 (P. 13). Ettinger's project requires a more subtle unfolding of birth as a process in which becoming is unfolded as material and linguistic, the existentialist tradition allows for a phenological explanation but one which focuses on mortality over what stone defines as Natality. Even the feminists who write of birth do not write of the inside of birth. It is kept hidden. Irigaray refers to the excesses, the milk, the leaks but what of the earth, the matter of the mother? A radical new vision The astrology chart captures a specific image of the time of birth, that from which produced lines of flight, which reproduced other images of potentialities of possibilities. But before such a birth, was not simply an immaculate conception, Jesus, as Badiou would proclaim in his defense and resurrection of Augustine, but rather is a much more subtle, interioriality of the spaces of matter and the quickening, the contracting, the bodily function, the mothers nesting, the shared sounds, the intensity of the moment, the due date, the measuring, then the incalculable moments, the kicks, the intensification of forces that our language consistently can never describe. Amid my second birth, the energy was flowing down, intensifying, not pain, this is not pain, I will not hear another writer contemplate or continue to masculinity this - it is specifically energetic intensification for which we have lost a vocabulary to expand upon. Furthermore, it comes in - from above, within, beyond, and it is there, it is the train off the track, it is the ultimate force of life itself - given and shared between two beings. There is no objectivity allowed, perhaps except in foresight. Of course, in relation and contingency with time, we can imagine a sanitized version. Birth Scopes Or with the technological apparatus of birth, there are many variations to this experience I speak of. A disclaimer here, I do not wish to elevate a specific instance of birth, say a natural home birth, or a "natural" birth, one without drugs, without the hospital to the position of better or worse. Birth defies this. Birth explodes the possibility of this ordering of births. It is only the continued linguistic and societal division between Form and matter as such that has created the battling within mothers, to worry, to fear, to assign hierarchy within the births of self and other. This is too much to speak of now see here to read more on this.XXX Birth vs. Timelessness The opposite of Chronos is chaos - kairos demands another opposite - chance, and chance is that which happens regardless of the use. The measure. Without intention, kairos is a hyper invention. And what encapsulates the possibility of this explosion. Revisioning Khora. Khora can be made finite by focusing on its opposite: the horizon, the end. Time. Measurements itself. Matter exists as the underdog of Form. Khora is void, that demands an answer, that births the creative nexus event, the events awakening, the falling, the becoming, the crystallization of the soul- a space. Khora explodes between topos and logos. And life and death, matter and Form, soul and mind. The emergent force that can never be encapsulated. Not to merely produce but to be the space of production- not by another not to reproduce, but to hold space for the becoming, to hold. To hold the child is to feel the quickening. The rapid speed of contractions. That shifts from one to the other. Time does not exist here. Mother and Child are one in a space of eternal return. Khora defying the teleological Deleuze and Guattari are just one amongst many who pretend to see birth through means of teleological explanation, he recognizes the experience of birth to inquire but gathers that, like Deleuze thinks, he can see the experience in the experience of drugs, Husserls will see it in the phenomenology of other experiences. Simone de Beauvoirʼs The Second Sex was in conversation with Husserl and his followers (Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, Levinas and Heidegger) who assumed sexual difference and thus the experience of birth as a part of Woman could be explained by objective analysis, Woman must write herself Cixous claims! Beauvoir highlights the issue with a phallocentric discourse that denies women's lives experiences; philosophy limits the human experience by neglecting attention to the structure of this experience. Birth as Lived Experience The political and bodily implications extend into the biopolitical sphere of birthing technology and the rise of c-sections, the sanitization of birth and the exclusion of female voices in the academy and the death of children, and the focus on the doctor's experience of birth. To lie on your back, to schedule your birth to meet the meat on the chronological deadline before the golf tournament of doctor discourse. Chronos eats the child, and the wife, the drugging of women, the trauma of birth imagined only in the eyes of one who thinks they can speak of birth they cannot experience. To listen, to hear without vision, that is the domain of the womb. Women as sacred protectors of the womb space must return to the roar of an ancient rite of passage. That of the holding of the becoming, the midwife who participates in the birth, not to cut or to Birth as Supertime The eternal return, the moment of birth, is not even a quasi-subject; that should be clear by now. However, the birth is in fact, a return to the residual memory of a haunted subjectivity. Khora haunts the texts of Timaeus, a swaying cause, an encounter of love, or hate made into materiality, a baby sent from the demiurge - and here we try to make sense of this suspended time This time is closer to Supertime (During) - a time that exists allowing a third attention, as shifting gaze or perspective. In fact shifting materiality. I realize there is no turning back in the birth of my third child. My mind runs back to my births, forwards to my future, but I am not in time. I do not care about the time. I am now her and me, and I am not part of her, she is not part of me, but we cannot see each other without being with each other. It is a feeling of pure intensity. The chain of events linking me to the birth of myself, the birth of the ancients, the birth of the world, the birth of the stars all overlapped in a moment. And the moments are like a dream, with moments of lucidity, and a non linear narrative. It is not clear to predict exactly how each step will go - I am going with the intensity and I want to move through, she wants to move through, is their agency in this space. I predetermined as much as I could the space of my space. How could one escape the black hole - already we know information leaks. The black hole is not void. Void is merely an abstraction of fullness to be full. To be. To hold. The holding is the emergence of the bond of life of time. To love is to hold and to hold is to e. A dance a temporal awakening not if your own, but if the other from whom I or You emerge. Time is a picture or a memento of a birth. Once one looked at the heavens and determined distance, myth, God, self-based on a spatial and temporal understanding of the phenomenological experience of the eye to the stars. This vision opened and defined the world. Today we stand filtered through screens, enhanced by mirrors, and marked by certificates. Can we dare to imagine a space of time when we cannot tell the distance from here to the nearest restaurant without a multitude of apparatus that lead us to follow an iPhones Google map timing our destination? To walk, to even walk, and not to map. Phenomenological Experience I wanted no one there. I wanted only a trusted midwife and a father. I wanted to be at home. I could not be in the sterile environment of the hospital walls. I could not risk the apparatus of birth, the drug of birth, the masculinization of birth. The midwife on the phone, lie down, lie down screaming. I remember this. The moment I hated this, she was through a machine not in me, no one was with me. I was alone, in the void but operating on a certain plane of reality. This is the space of the void. You hear things, muffled through the womb space. An entire album was released from the womb. Women were left for days alone in the early 1900s strapped to tables while drugged and unable to control themselves. Phermendamine is a drug that causes birth defects. Cydatec and 100s of ruptured uterus - finally 1999 research showed they should not. There is not a history of caution in the history of obstetrics. Midwives reborn during the age of midwives. The queen of midwife history Ina May Gaskin - began the work in the natural childbirth. As society left the technocratic, they left the communes. Recording the womb space To record the womb space is to make music of the womb space Khora. The album, Sounds of the Unb was released April 2021 by Luca Yupanqui. It is from her womb space; her mother and father are releasing it. They used the sounds of the womb to transpose a synthesis of the noises, taking the womb noise as information for their electronic synthesis, an eerie uncanny effect is produced. (https://youtu.be/90g9Vqvx3yg) Birthspace Exceeding Maps The womb cannot be mapped; it exceeds its maps. Of course it is mapped. We map that which we can conquer. The mapping of the womb was part of the dark side of the history of obstetrics. The fetus kicks to map its physical orientation within the womb space. The placenta is the excess map of the birth, to be birthed after the child. Still connected after birth. Not more! I'm not ready, can there be more? Then the bleeding, the Blood… The technological mapping of the womb and fetus is part of obstetricians. Obstetrician etymology: mid 18th century: via modern Latin obstetric us from Latin obstetrician (based on obstetrix 'midwife'), from obstare 'be present. Birth Recorded in Matter/Mother The milk, the fluid after the fire. The placenta maps it's pathways to origin - a tree of life emerges from the immediately repudiated art of stamping the placenta. What else to do with a placenta, well one could eat it. Is this Cronus eating his child? Is this something more, is to eat the placenta, the excess of birth, the seed of an origin beyond life that nourishes the mother, to return her to the memory of the physical processes of growing the child. De Beauvoir does not go far enough; she likens children to parasites. Virginia Woolf, also seems to repudiate the idea of a woman as such. These feminist leaders outlined a horizon upon which the feminist pathway could be leading, but they did not go far enough. They wanted to eat it and become-man as a woman. There is a bi-sexuality to this process. Or so they say. Or is it all a process of femininity that is concerning our desires here. The placenta feeds the child. The umbilical cord connects the mother to child via placenta. Absorbing nutrients energy, broken down into the food of the child. Mary Wollstonecraft, mother of feminist thought author of A Vindication on Women's Right, mother of Mary Shelly, author of Frankenstein, herself died in the after birth. On 30 August 1797, Wollstonecraft gave birth to her second daughter Mary and died after her placenta broke and became infected. There are many risks. Birth is something to be experienced, not to be denied. Do you want to sleep through sex? Through life? Through love? Is it the animal nature of such a process that makes us disgust and wish to wash it away? It is a specifically female experience that holds the residual memory of a primordial time - that might, if we dare enter the time, return us to the spaces of our eternal return. I don't know what to say of the totalizing force of such a birth. I can hear the critics ringing in my ears. I know that not all women are women, and gender is a performance, and that the nature of identity is placed precariously between politics, subjectivity, becoming, time, history, and science. I have to go there. If we continue a discourse that completely evades the realities of experience, we will stand in the shadows of our UberMensch. Bracha Ettinger goes there; she articulates the matrixial borderspace, a psychic region between mother and child that flies in the face of feminist and psychoanalytic theory. The introduction to the work by Judith Butler and Griselda Pollock both highlighting the absolute intense risk of such a discourse. She truly provides a new space, a space that is so radical it dares barely be spoken. What will you think of me? But the human eye is always eating the horizon. Or was it the mouth? Cronus ate his children. Constructing an Ontology of the Khora One can't say what drives Khora. She is the fleeting image of the thing that unites one and collective, and escapes them eagerly. Without somewhere to meet. How can I meet you? We can write a letter. Sent through time and space or collapsed into instants via text. But the space that defines us is escaping us. I see you where I draw you. In a mind, in a room and you see me where I may be. But one cannot know where another is. But you could map them? Sure. But where is the space in which the communication happens. Well, the text must surely travel through some type of electronic current and be sent via wireless intent towards a connection of energy that turns your apparatus into my apparatus, and we share a language ,- screen, an image, we certainly share a time. And from Chronos to kairos we introduce the next concept... Khora. One can only make sense of time if one is to describe the spaces of time. The thing that time itself exists in? So in fact if time can be imaged, horizontal, vertical, circular, geometrically, a "hex" then time must be imaged itself. Streitfeld illuminates the limits of this space in regards to Schopenhauer's writings on Suicide: 20 "The presentation, created out of nothingness, is now placed into time and space: "the concept, the material of philosophy" and "finally the word, the sign of the concept" which "also belong to the representation". Having created the presentation in time and space, what is left but to abolish it? Yet, he points out that to abolish the will also mean to abolish the world as its mirror, bringing up, once again, the dilemma of suicide. Not only that, but without a mirror, the where (space) and when (time) no longer exist. Where do we turn? All that is left is nothingness. The philosopher arrives at the paradox that western language cannot penetrate: "as we are the will to live and nothing can only be expressed negatively, because like can only be known by like, the mirror relation, and that would mean a deprivation of all knowledge". Yet conversely, this would mean the potential of all knowledge, absolute knowingness, which relates to the world as representation, or the objectivity of the world, as the world is the reflection of the self knowledge of the will." The arrival of this positive knowledge is in the key passage (fifth paragraph), the all-knowingness, to come about through the negativity, the denial of the will. This is where he reaches the apex of not only his but all western thought, the reflection coming from the east, the mirror of the saints who have achieved the "completed denial of the will" which he names "ecstasy, rapture, illumination union with God and so on". What follows this unity is the very crux of the limitation in language revealing Schopenhauer's own will, precluding both suicide and the negation of his ambition as philosopher/king: "But such a state cannot really be called knowledge, since it no longer has the form of subject and object; moreover, it is accessible to one's own experience that cannot be further communicated."
And why do we have no language for energy? Why do we not let the woman experience birth as energy rises? Why must it all turn to pain? I think it is a lack of imagination. A limit to the potential of women. If she were to truly know the power of such potential, what might she do? Spontaneous creative birthing, what monstrous forms may emerge in such an environment. Monsters capable of determining their own direction, their own hex. Their own time waves. It is not painful. It is the loss of self. Of control. It is space and timeless. I have been injured, I know the pain - I know. You don't know; and I truly don't know the master knows. But the particular emergent seems relevant still. In the moment I saw no one and I saw it all. I dropped the grip. I was to hold. To hold onto nothing. That is it. I had nothing. I was nothing. I was a conduit - a portal - a primordial and yet transcendent being. There is nothing one should know to hold the space. It is precisely the unimaginable. Did you worry you would die? Did you know what to do? Did you want drugs? I was already dead. Who I was. I am no more. Just as you aren't who you're weren't. But that's not the point. I am no longer worried about me. I was at a point of emergence. For once! The Woman screamed and gave back- to not receive to not be void but to be chaotic to be unpredictable to be wild to be outside of time! Let the Woman emerge a space Now you are losing me, I hope you are not telling me that a wild woman emerges. This sounds like the old rhetoric of the white feminist. No I do not; but my passion exudes. My words go beyond, you look for critique and I demand to be - I was once emerging and now I merged and we all are emerging to only hold so briefly to the chance - to the hope - to hold onto something we can never grasp. And I placed my child on my breast and I was back. I fell back. I fell into myself . It was coming and I was tired. I lost time, I gave time and I held onto the future as I let go of mine. This truly is - a moment that time cannot speak of. Why has the birth itself been so terribly excluded from the work! Know that NOW I ask you? But I have been questioned? Do you feel this is appropriate for the diagnosis? I simply wanted to understand the nature of your hysteria? Of your thesis? Of us? I didn't mean to offend your experience? Are you ok? Breaking. Broken. Timelines What if all is topsy-turvy in our world of lines. The baby is breech, the ship shall sink? The breach baby presents problems for the delivery as statistical increase in converging bad outcomes. But many breech children can be delivered without use of C-Section, but it is a momentary ethical decision that should belong only to the mother who can in some sense have a sense of that moment. Emerge. And diverge - Variants. Of what of the birth that goes awry. The variants to the perfect birth. 11 toes and 4 fingers. These variations in the presentation of the human body are part of the mystery of the process of birth. We know little of spontaneous variations that happen in the womb. Despite increasing measures and tests, there still exists an ultimate undecidability and improbability that leaves many parts of the human birth to something beyond the laws of natural science, besides an indeterminate theory. It seems to me that the entire history of philosophy is searching for something that they are afraid I would write. If I were to write this, if I could say these words. What if a follow up? What is next? If we truly connect to this new techno-savvy-bis-sexual-coming-vibrating-woman-witch-home-birth-philosopher then what of us? What of the secrets we pretended to know? They hid and they ran into corners, into language that entranced and enthralled, that led a path to this wall. The wall of the courageous, the unafraid. A broken train of end trails. If we could see that pain and joy are tied together and that actually every mother has in some manner dealt with this? Then what of us? What of those of you who turned away from her, who denied her. Who then could not handle the power of HER luminance - the wife who birthed - the lover you held, was not the mother you had. This isn't about endless tales of running our heads into our anus - A Lacanian nightmare that nearly swallows the project of unfolding on its own. Instead this is simply the obvious, most logical, thing to actually speak of. BEING and TIME. birth AND being. THE birth OF THE WORLD. I was held by the hands of the women who were left in the shadows, generations of exiles, immigrants, mothers, dreamers, writers, their genealogy does not fit into a timeline. It is woven into the text. This is the matrixial borderspace of khorazimatic birthing. It is now time to no longer hide in polite nods to the masters. Freud was sick. Lacan - nasty. Zizek - I want to throw up. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Ok so I don't like sphycoahlnsyis its endless entrails, circulating through the text. I come close to embracing Ettinger, she brings us to the space of the matrixial, Irigaray, she is too much of this, Kristeva - again! But we can massage out of this something. It can't be C-Sectioned out, We can not simply cut out the child, but we must love. I love Irigaray like I could love a child. Like a mother. Oxytocin - The natural morphine high of birth. You cannot feel this by apparatus. Perhaps it was not penis envy - but rather the impossibility of watching the incredible love of a mother to her child. This love is best seen in the dark. If the hormones are not released can we survive without love? Materialist discourse is actually necessary to save the eros of the future of becoming. Will we survive a generation - a multitude of generations of mothers who give birth without the becoming-animal reward of such a hit of jouissance? The Vertex – Cone Shaped Head Birth position matters. As does all that takes place on the material plane. The vertex is the best position for a birth. The vertex is when the baby is head down face towards the abdomen of the mother. This presents the simplest delivery as the head the largest part comes through first, the most able to be shaped, the cone-shaped head of birth. What of this?
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