If you lose your phone. While in a city, that you don't live in. When you are very heart broken and tired. It sucks. And then worse when someone steals your wallet, and your computer. Then it starts to be really exhausting. The smallest ways in which those items which we lose begin to deteriorate our sense of self is one way in which we come to realize the paths that others lead. One mistake leads to a million more, or leads you to another maze, perhaps a better way? It is hard to tell when walking on the paths we tread.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death No but truly. This did happen to me. In many ways and days. In today's society without an ID card a phone and some $ you will be homeless in about 2 seconds. Do you even remember anyones phone number? Want a tattoo? Get your key contacts tattooed on you. Don't have key contacts. I feel you. Sometimes in a world where the image of self takes primacy to the social fabric of the collective we forget the need for community. I found myself navigating spaces and places that were nearly impossible as the dive into my research metastasized into a sort of seance with data lost, data present, and data forsaken. In the darkest night there is always light. You can ride a bus or a train in many cities. C.S. Lewis in The Great Divorce writes of the journey on the bus, many take it few come back. I know you can get back. Dante's Inferno, a journey, The Platonic Spheres, and hence we fall from grace, we can return. Just keep getting on that bus. Mercy, Hope, Grace, Forgiveness, Honor, Leadership. Be the person you want to be.
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December 2024